(212) 772-5187
Professor, Department of English, Hunter College, CUNY, 2018.
Chair, Department of English, Hunter College, CUNY, 2005-2014.
Associate Professor, Department of English, Hunter College, CUNY, 2003-2018.
Graduate Advisor, MA Program, Department of English, Hunter College, CUNY, 2002-2005.
Acting Director, Women’s Studies Program, Hunter College, CUNY, 2001-2002.
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Hunter College, CUNY, 1999-2003.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell, 1998-1999.
Acting Instructor, Department of English, University of Washington, Seattle, 1997-1998.
Ph.D. with Honors, English Literature, University of Washington, Seattle, 1997.
M.A. with Distinction, English Literature, California State University, Fresno, 1991.
B.A. English Literature, California State University, Fresno, 1987.
Pacific Conservatory of Performing Arts, Acting, Theatre Arts, 1981-83.
Co-Editor, with Emily Sherwood, Reading Mistress Elizabeth Bourne: Marriage, Separation, and Legal Controversies, Routledge, 2021. “The Early Modern Englishwoman, 1500-1750: Contemporary Editions” (series editors, Betty S. Travitsky and Anne Lake Prescott)
Women and Shakespeare’s Cuckoldry Plays: Shifting Narratives of Marital Betrayal, Routledge, 2017. “Women and Gender in the Early Modern World.”
Preview the introduction, available from Taylor and Francis. Chapter one, “Early Modern Women’s Narratives of Marital Betrayal,” is available in Routledge’s Shakespeare Studies Chapter Sampler. Now available in paperback!
Fantasies of Female Evil: The Dynamics of Gender and Power in Shakespearean Tragedy. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2003. (Available on Google Play Books and Questia, a library subscription service.)
Reviewed by:
Malcomson, Cristina. Shakespeare Quarterly 56.1 (2005): 110-12.
Abate, Corinne. Shakespeare Newsletter (2005):
“Feminist Authorship Studies.” The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Authorship. Edited by Rory Loughnane and Will Sharpe. Oxford UP, forthcoming.
“Speaking Truth to Power as Feminist Ethics in Richard III.” Social Research: An International Quarterly, vol. 86, no. 3, Nov. 2019, pp. 789–819.
“‘Let’s Consult together’: Women’s Agency and the Gossip Network in The Merry Wives of Windsor.” Invited for publication in The Merry Wives of Windsor: New Critical Essays. Eds. Evelyn Gajowski and Phyllis Rackin. New York: Routledge, 2015. 38-50.
“‘Proceed in Justice’: Narratives of Marital Betrayal in The Winter’s Tale.” Invited for publication in Justice, Women and Power in English Renaissance Drama, Edited by Andrew J. Majeski and Emily Detmer-Goebel. Madison and Teaneck, N.J.: Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2009. 46-65.
“Elizabeth Cary’s Female Trinity: Breaking Custom with Mosaic Law in The Tragedy of Mariam.” Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 3, (2008): 61-103.
“Looking for Goneril and Regan.” Invited for publication in Privacy, Domesticity and Women in Early Modern England, ed. Corinne Abate. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate, 2003. 167-198.
“‘Blood Will Have Blood’: Power, Performance, and Lady Macbeth’s Gender Trouble.” J x: A Journal in Culture and Criticism. 2.2 (1998): 179-207.
“King Lear’s ‘Immoral’ Daughters and the Politics of Kingship.” Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 8.2 (1996): 375-400.
“Staging the Feminine Performance of Desire: Masochism in The Maid’s Tragedy.” Papers on Language and Literature. 31.3 (1995): 313-333.
Imagining Cleopatra: Performing Gender and Power in Early Modern England, by Yasmin Arshad. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. Early Theatre. 24.1 (2021), 181–3
Treason: Medieval and Early Modern Adultery, Betrayal, and Shame, edited by Larissa Tracy, ed. Explorations in Medieval Culture 10, Brill. Journal of British Studies, vol. 59, no. 4, 2020, pp. 927-28.
The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Comedy, edited by Heather Hirschfeld, Oxford UP. Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 751-52.
Shakespearean Arrivals: The Birth of Character, by Nicholas Luke, Cambridge, UP. Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 72, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1166–68.
Shakespeare’s Fathers and Daughters, by Oliver Ford Davies, Bloomsbury, Arden Shakespeare. Renaissance Quarterly. Vol. 71, No. 3, (2018): 1223-25.
Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage, by Karen Bamford, Palgrave. Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal in Performance Criticism and Scholarship, 20.1 (2002): 46.
Theatrical Productions
“Abandoning Tragedy in James Ijames’s Fat Ham” Borrowers and Lenders (2024) vol. 15, no. 1: pp. 97-101.
“‘all my hair in knots’: King Lear at the Public Theater free Shakespeare in the Park, Central Park, New York City.” Internet Shakespeare Editions, Performance Chronicle, (13 August 2014): University of Victoria, BC, Canada.
“‘Take my defiance’: Isabella’s Feminist Ethics in Measure for Measure,” an article in progress.
“Feminist Ethics and Emilia’s Sacrifice of Happiness in The Two Noble Kinsmen,” an article in progress.
Editor, “Late Tudor and Stuart Drama: Readings in Feminist Theories and Histories,” Medieval Institute Publications, MIP – The University Press at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. 2024-
Co-Editor, “Late Tudor and Stuart Drama: Gender, Performance, and Material Culture,” with Helen Ostovich. MIP, 2016-2024.
“Feminist Ethics and Early Modern Studies,” Feminist Debates and Early Modern Studies, a Roundtable. Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2022.
“Isabella’s Feminist Ethics in Measure for Measure.” Columbia Shakespeare Seminar, Bernard Beckerman Lecture. 14 May 2021, Zoom.
“Testing the Limits of Feminist Ethics in Titus Andronicus,” Early Modern Colloquium, Department of English, Columbia University, 2 December 2020, Zoom.
“Isabella’s Feminist Ethics in Measure for Measure.” Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance.” Graduate Center, CUNY. 24 October 2019.
Presider, “Flourishing in Difficult Times,” A roundtable sponsored by the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities. Modern Language Associate of America Annual Convention, Jan 4-7, 2018.
Co-moderator, Open Session: “Finding Security Through Action.” Sponsored by the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities. Modern Language Associate of America Annual Convention, Jan 4-7, 2018.
Co-moderator, Open Session: “Election 2016: Climates of Fear.” Sponsored by the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities. Modern Language Associate of America Annual Convention, Jan 5-8, 2017.
“The View from CUNY.” Panel on “Combat Management.” Sponsored by the MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities. Modern Language Association of American Annual Convention, Jan 5-8, 2017.
“Women’s Narratives of Marital Betrayal in Sixteenth-Century England,” Panel on “Narratives of Play, Perfidy, and Prison,” International Association of University Professors of English, London, July 2016.
Participant, Wednesdays at One Panel Discussion, Much Ado about Nothing. Department of Theatre, Hunter College, CUNY. 12 November 2014.
Participant, Roundtable, “‘Let’s Consult together’: Women’s Agency and the Gossip Network in The Merry Wives of Windsor.” The Merry Wives of Windsor. Renaissance Society of America, New York City, March 2014.
Participant, Round Table on Tenure and Promotion, PSC CUNY Junior Faculty Development Day, 15 March 2013.
“‘All the argument is a whore and a cuckold’: Spousal de Praesenti and Marital Betrayal in Troilus and Cressida.” Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance, Graduate Center, CUNY, April 2011.
Participant, Round Table on Tenure and Promotion, PSC CUNY Junior Faculty Development Day, 12 March 2011.
Participant, Round Table on “It’s Your Contract: Make it Work.” PSC CUNY Junior Faculty Development Day, 7 May 2010.
Respondent, Denise Walen, “Diminishing Juliet”, Columbia University Seminar, Shakespeare, 12/10/09.
Round Table Discussion, “Shakespeare, the plays in performance, and the history of the Globe.” Pace University, 12/8/09.
Round Table Participant, “CUNY and the Adjunct Workforce.” Panel: “Academic Workforce: Where We Need to Go, How We Get There,” Invited and arranged by the ADE and ADFL Executive Committee. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, December 2009.
“Women, Marriage and Divorce in Renaissance England.” Spotlight Series. Hunter College, CUNY Alumni Gala, 5/18/08.
“Elizabeth Cary’s Female Trinity: Breaking Custom with Mosaic Law in The Tragedy of Mariam.” The Early Modern Interdisciplinary Group, The Graduate School and University Center, 11/30/07.
Respondent, Carole Levin, “Converting the Daughter: Gender, Power, and Conversion in the English Renaissance.” Columbia University Seminar, Shakespeare, 9/9/06.
“‘Manhood is melted into curtsies’: Women’s Responses to Men’s Accusations of Cuckoldry in Shakespeare.” Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 11/11/04.
“‘An essence that’s not seen’ or ‘an odious, damned lie’: Competing Narratives of Marital Betrayal in Othello.” Keynote Address: Locating Love: A Graduate Student Conference, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 3/26/04.
“‘An essence that’s not seen’ or ‘an odious, damned lie’: Competing Narratives in Othello” Columbia University Seminar, Shakespeare, 10/10/03.
”Fantasies of Female Evil: The Dynamics of Gender and Power in Shakespearean Tragedy” Project ASCEND/McNair Friday Salon, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 6/22/01.
“Feminist Ethics and Isabella’s Anger in Measure for Measure,” In the Seminar, “Measure for Measure,” Shakespeare Association of American Annual Meeting, April 2024.
“Feminist Ethics of Complaint in The Two Noble Kinsmen,” In the Seminar, “Women and Complaint, from Medieval to Early Modern,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, March-April 2023.
“Masculinist Perversions of Feminist Ethical Responsibility in The Two Noble Kinsmen,” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference. April 2021, Zoom.
“Anger, Revenge, and Feminist Ethics in Titus Andronicus.” In the seminar, “Early Modern Women’s Anger,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2020. (Seminar was held via Zoom.)
“Speaking Truth to Power as Feminist Ethics in The White Devil,” in “The Ethics of Truth Telling in Early Modern English Drama.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, April 2020. (Cancelled due to Covid-19 Pandemic.)
Organizer, “The Ethics of Truth Telling in Early Modern English Drama.” Renaissance Society of American Annual Conference, April 2020. (Cancelled due to Covid-19 Pandemic.)
“Revulsions against/of the Feminine in Richard III,” for a seminar, “Shakespearean Revulsions,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2019.
Panel Organizer, “Feminist Ethics on the Early Modern Stage.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, March 2019.
“Isabella’s Feminist Ethics in Measure for Measure.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, March 2019.
“Ravishing (In)Justice: Parrēsia and the Aims of (Feminine) Citizenship in King Henry VIII and The White Devil.” For a Seminar, “Foucault Beyond New Historicism,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, March 2018.
“Feminist Ethics and Isabella’s (Un)Regulation of the Female Body in Measure for Measure,” For a seminar, “Regulating Female Bodies,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2017.
“‘Queen o’er myself:’ Portia’s Deployment of Rings and Bonds, or Disciplining Men in The Merchant of Venice,” For a seminar, “Novel/Traveling Objects,” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, March 2016.
“‘Manhood is melted into curtsies’: The Necessity of Female Alliances in Much Ado about Nothing”. For a Seminar, “Women’s Alliances.” Shakespeare Association of American Annual Meeting, April 2015.
“Resisting Domestic and State Authority: Katherine in Shakespeare and Fletcher’s King Henry VIII”. For a Seminar, “Representing Women and Politics in Jacobean England.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, March 2013.
“‘A woman of quick sense,’ or Mirth and Consequences: Stories, the Gossip Network, and Women’s Agency.” For a seminar. “The Merry Wives of Windsor.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2012.
“‘Consult[ing] together’: The Merry Wives of Windsor and Feminist Critical Practice.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, March 2012.
“‘Consult[ing] together’: The Merry Wives of Windsor and Feminist Critical Practice.” For a seminar, “Shakespeare and the New Feminisms.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2011.
“‘All the argument is a whore and a cuckold’: Spousal de Praesenti and Marital Betrayal in Troilus and Cressida.” For a seminar, “Law and Marriage.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2010.
“‘Bound to speak’: Slanderous Words and Women’s Defenses in Othello.” For a seminar, “Theatrical Law.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2009.
“Elizabeth Cary’s Female Trinity: Breaking Custom with Mosaic Law in The Tragedy of Mariam.” Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Conference, April 2008.
“‘Proceed in justice’: Marital Betrayal in The Winter’s Tale.” For a seminar, “Staging Justice in Early Modern Drama.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2006.
“Manhood is melted into curtsies:’ Women’s Responses to Men and Marriage in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture.” For a seminar, “Shakespeare and Culture.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2005.
Panel organizer: “Marriage, Mourning, and Murder: Ways of Silencing Women in Shakespeare.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, April 2004.
“‘Even’d with him wife for wife’: Male Competitions in Othello.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, 2004.
“‘An essence that’s not seen’ or ‘an odious, damned lie’: Competing Narratives in Othello.” For a seminar, “Final Say: Dying Like a Woman.” Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2003.
“Quarto and Folio of Othello: Textual Authority in the Classroom.” Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Conference, 2003.
Panel Chair, Sessions 1 & 2 “Women in/and Power in Early Modern England.” Northeast Mondern Language Association Annual Conference, 2003.
“‘I’ll be the custom breaker’: Acting Up and Acting Out: Salome and The Tragedie of Mariam.” Acting Up and Acting Out in Early Modern England: A Symposium. University of Mississippi, 2002.
“‘Blood Will Have Blood’: Lady Macbeth and the Trouble with Gender,” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, 2001.
Panel Chair, “‘Keen Whips I’ld Wear as Rubies’: Surviving Siblings in the English Renaissance Drama.” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, 2001.
“Virile Women/Consuming Men: Lady Macbeth and the Trouble with Gender,” Virile Women, Consuming Men: Gender and Monstrous Appetites in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, University of Wales, Aberytswyth, 2000. (Could not attend; Paper read by panel organizer).
“Shakespeare and the ‘Evil’ Women of Early Modern Tragedy.” Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Conference, 1999.
“The Neurotic Subject of Tragedy: The Material Culture of The Winter’s Tale.” Fifth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, 1999.
“‘I Kiss His Conq’ring Hand’: Cleopatra’s Strategies of Co-Existence.” Fourth Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference, 1998.
“When is Color-Blind Casting Racism? The Case of Branagh’s Much Ado vs. Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet.” Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture/American Culture Association, 1997.
Panel Chair, “Reading Lady Mary Wroth.” Group for Early Modern Culture Studies Conference, 1996.
“The Spectrum of Female Desire in Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam.” Group for Early Modern Culture Studies Conference, 1996.
“The Commodity as Spectre: Queen Elizabeth I and the ‘Hauntology’ of Female Sexuality.” Group for Early Modern Culture Studies Conference, 1995.
“Re-staging Female Desire: Aphra Behn’s The Rover, Part II.” Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference, 1994.
“Staging the Feminine Performance of Choice: Masochism in The Maid’s Tragedy.” Group for Early Modern Culture Studies Conference, 1993.
“Milton’s Sin: The Reinscription of Chaotic Sexuality on the Female Body.” Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, 1993.
“Marginality and Patriarchy: Feminist Theory and Shakespeare.” Graduate Student Colloquium, California State University, Fresno, 1991.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to RSA and SAA, April 2020.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to RSA and SAA, March and April 2019.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to SAA, April 2018.
CUNY Book Completion Award for The Selected Correspondence of Elizabeth and Anthony Bourne (under contract, Routledge).
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the MLA, Philadelphia, January 2017; and to the SAA, Atlanta, April 2017.
Travel Funds, Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, for travel to IAUPE, London, July 2016.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, New Orleans, March 2016.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2015.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the RSA, New York City, March 2014.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Toronoto, March 2013.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the RSA, Washington D.C., March 2012; SAA, Boston, April 2012.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Seattle, 2011.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Philadelphia, 2010.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Washington DC, 2009.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to NEMLA, Buffalo, 2008.
Presidential Travel Award, Hunter College, CUNY, for travel to the SAA, Philadelphia, 2006.
George N. Shuster Faculty Fellowship. Funds awarded for a research assistant and supplies related to a book project entitled The Complete Correspondence of Elizabeth and Anthony Bourne, with Mistress Bourne’s Complaint to the Privy Counsel.
Research Award, PSC CUNY Research Foundation. Summer Salary to finish a book project entitled He said, She said: Shakespeare and Narratives of Marital Betrayal in Early Modern England. 2005-2006.
Research Award, PSC CUNY Research Foundation. Travel to British Library, Public Records Office, and miscellaneous publication costs and supplies for a new project entitled: Shakespeare and the Phantasmatics of Cuckoldry in Early Modern England. 2003-2004.
Mentor Fellowship, Research Foundation of The City University of New York, 2001.
Mentor Fellowship, Mellon Foundation, Hunter College, CUNY, 2000.
Mentor Fellowship, Research Foundation of The City University of New York, 2000.
Travel Grants, University of Washington, Department of English, 1993, 1994, 1997.
Merit Graduate Tuition Exemption, University of Washington, The Graduate School, Minority Education Division, 1995-1997 Tuition Grant, School of Criticism and Theory, Dartmouth College, 1996.
- W. Stout Fellowship, University of Washington, The Graduate School, 1996.
Nominee, Weber Teaching Prize, University of Washington, Department of English, 1995.
Research Fellowship, University of Washington, The Graduate School, Minority Education Division, 1992, 1993
Teaching Assistantship, University of Washington, Department of English, 1991-1995.
Nominee, Graduate Dean’s Medal, California State University, Fresno, Department of English, 1991.
Graduate Equity Fellowship, California State University, Fresno, The Graduate School, 1989.
Teaching Assistantship, California State University Fresno, Department of English, 1987-88
Appointed member, Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities, Modern Language Association of America, 2015-2018.
Member, Planning Committee, Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance, New York Chapter, 2008-2018.
Routledge, 2018
University of Nebraska Press, 2018
Early Theatre, 2018
International Journal of English Studies (IJES), 2016
Women’s Writing, 2014
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2014
Journal of Women’s Studies, 2002
Literature Compass, 2005
Meridians: Feminisms, Race, Transnationalism, 2000
PMLA, 2001, 2014
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1997, 1998
Co-Chair, English Discipline Council, City University of New York, 2013-2014.
Chair, English Discipline Council, City University of New York, 2012-2013.
Member, Senate Committee on Grade Appeals, 2013-2014
Taskforce on Departmental Status, Women and Gender Studies Program, 2011-2012
Member, Senate Committee on Strategic Planning, 2009-2011
Member, Workload Committee, 2009-2014
Member, Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, 2008
Member, English-Education Search Committee, Spring 2008
Member, Divisional Committee on Personnel and Budget, Arts and Sciences, 2005-2014
Member, Committee on Personnel Policy, 2005-2013
Member, Committee on Faculty Personnel and Budget, 2005-2014
Reader, Library Research Essay Competition, Sp 2002
Member, Women’s Studies Search Committee, 2000-2001
Member, Women’s Studies Policy Committee, 2000-2006
Member, Organizing and Essay Contest Committee, Drum Major Institute, 2000-2001
Member, Search Committee for Department Coordinator Summer 2018
Member, Committee on Student Activities Fall 2017-present
Member, Grade Appeals Committee, Fall 2016
Chair, Department of English, 2005-2014
Chair, Personnel and Budget Committee, 2005-2014
Member, Personnel and Budget Committee, 2002-2005
Graduate Advisor, 2002-2005
Member, Graduate Course of Study Committee, 2002-2005
Reviser, English Department Catalog, 2002-2003
Chair, Grade Appeal Committee, 2002
Organizer, New Faculty Orientation, 2001
Chair, Undergraduate Course of Study Committee, 2000-2002
Member, Faculty Senate, 2000-2002
Undergraduate Course of Study Committee, Spring 2000
Chair, Grade Appeal Committee, Spring 2000
Member, Grade Appeal Committee, Spring 2000
Member, Taskforce on Departmental Status, Women and Gender Studies Program, 2011-2012
Member, Women’s Studies Policy Committee, 2001-2006
Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee, 2001-2002
Member, Interdisciplinary Council, 2001-2002
Chair, Women’s Studies Policy Committee, 2001-2002
Acting Director, Women’s Studies, 2001-2002
Thesis Supervisor
Melissa Piccinonno, MA, June 2017
Gina Vivona, MA, June 2017
Mika Liss, Medea, MA, June 2016
Jessica Lugo, Measure for Measure, MA, June 2012
Jenny Privatt, Much Ado About Nothing, MA, June 2008.
Felicia O’Hara, Much Ado About Nothing, MA, September 2008
Suzanne Wessler, Othello, Winner Dean’s Award for the best MA Thesis, MA June 2007
Tara Bandman, The Roaring Girl, MA, June 2007
Hali Brindel, The Winter’s Tale and Pericles, winner Department of English Knox Award for the best MA Thesis, June 2006
Rebecca Andruszca, Othello, January 2007
Michele Holden, The Roaring Girl, MA, June 2005
Devi Mohan, “Shakespeare’s Queen,” MA, September 2004
Sylvia Levine, Troilus and Cressida, MA, May 2003
Lucia Gunzel, “Cross Dressing in As You Like It and Twelfth Night,” MA, June 2003
Patricia Milanes, “Spenser’s Una: Elizabethan and Marian Iconography,” MA, June 2003.
Kathryn Adams, “Shakespeare’s Kate and Beatrice,” MA, June 2002.
Shelley Grossman, “Women in A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” MA, June 2002.
Stephen Minor, “The Mutable Shapes of Shakespeare’s Shylock: Comic Villain orTragic Victim,” MA, June 2001.
Eric Quinn, “The Transformation of Literary and Nonliterary Sources into a New and Benign Dramatic Work of Intertextuality: William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” MA, June 2001.
MA Thesis Second Reader
Nicholas Brennan, June 2016
Monique Prince, June 2016
Devorah Woolf, June 2014
Vanita Persaud, Masquerade in Eighteenth-Century Literature, MA June 2012
Shana Smith, Wuthering Heights, MA January 2008
Cliff Staebler, Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Winner Dean’s Award for best MA Thesis,
June 2007.
Dermot Hannon, Milton’s Paradise Lost, MA, June 2005
Emily Fink, Mary Wroth, MA January 2005
Wan-Chuan Kua, MA, June 2002,
Randie Krieger, Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, MA, January 2001
Sam Gonzalez, Engl 489, Spring 2017.
Gina Vivona, Engl 798, Fall 2016
Jessica Lu, Engl 498, Fall 2016
Hillary Cheramie, Engl 498, Fall 2015
Mika Liss, Engl 798, Fall 2015.
Wendy Spooner, Engl 798, Summer 2014.
Megan Cahill, Engl 498, Shakespeare, Spring 2014.
Ishmael Ramirez, Independent Project, (English 700), Shakespeare, Spring 2005.
Richard Nurse, Independent Tutorial Project, (English 485), Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Spring 2004
Julie Benedetto, Independent Tutorial Project (English 485), Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam (1610), Fall 2003.
Emily Sherwood, Independent Tutorial Project (English 485), Survey of English Literature, Revision of “Macbeth and the Failure of Uno Caro” (Winner, 2003 Library Competition Research Prize,) Fall 2002.
Emily Sherwood, Independent Tutorial Project (English 485), Contemporary Drama by Women, “Zip, Please” an original play, Spring 2002.
Jessica Murphy, Independent Tutorial Project (English 485), Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace, “The Trouble With Telling Your Own Story (When You Are a ‘Celebrated Murderess’)” Spring 2001.
Patricia Dawson, Independent Tutorial Project (English 485), “Female Sacrifice: Colonizing Women in William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra,” Spring 2001.
Mitul Daiyan, Mellon Mays Fellowship Program, 2011-12.
Emily Sherwood, CUNY BA Program, 2001-2003. Dr. Sherwood earned PhD the CUNY Graduate Center, 2014. She is now the Assistant Director of Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship and a Faculty Teaching Associate in the English Department at Bucknell University.
Jessica Murphy, Project ASCEND/McNair Summer Research Fellowship, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 2001. PhD, UC Santa Barbara in 2009. Dr. Murphy was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor of English literature at the University of Texas, Dallas, fall 2015.
Patricia Dawson, CUNY Pipeline Program and Mellon Minority Fellowship, Senior Thesis Preparation, 2000-2001.
Natalia Ivanova, Project ASCEND/McNair Summer Research Fellowship, The Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 2000.
Associate, Columbia University Seminars, Shakespeare
International Association of University Professors of English (by invitation only)
Modern Language Association
Renaissance Society of America
Shakespeare Association of America
Society for the Study of Early Modern Women (International)
Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance, New York Chapter (co-Organizer, 2008-2018)